Sunday, October 13, 2013

That One Show Where There Is Drama and Zombies Show Up Sometimes

So just in case you've missed the million and a half posts on social media about The Walking Dead coming back on tonight, it is, season four starts tonight and I am officially excited.

I've never read a lot of Walking Dead comics, but I've read at least two, and I liked them, even if it was in black and white so you couldn't discern gore from shadows. Back to the TV show, everyone loves Daryl Dixon, well the ladies love him, I'm sure there are also a few men out there who love him too. He's developed a cult following since being introduced to the show. Is it the string of zombie ears he cut off while hallucinating after being impaled by a crossbow bolt and falling down a hill? Maybe. Or it could be the squirrels he shoves in his belt for later. I think it's the fact that he took his brother's motorcycle and now rides around on this crazy loud hog wearing a poncho that looks like he stole it from a wooden Indian (Iron Man 3 reference). But I think it's the fact that he's a shy, sad, little puppy dog you want to give a hug to but know he'll punch you if you try. The Carol/ Daryl relationship really started when Daryl went out looking for Sophia, I will have you know, I fell in love when he kept searching for Sophia and brought back a Cherokee Rose for Carol (Swoon). He was a jerk, and Merle was one person everyone loved to hate until he redeemed himself by letting Michonne go and then valiantly sacrificing himself for the greater good and trying to take out the governor and his goons while he was at it. That episode made me hate him even more and then love him and then made me cry when Daryl found his beloved brother as a handless, and now fingerless walker, when he cried, I wanted to go into the fetal position and not watch anymore. But I did, like every good Walking Deadhead.

Does anyone else here think that Chandler Riggs makes a great Carl, and by a great Carl I mean a great little d-bag who grew up too fast and made sure his mother didn't come back as a walker by shooting her in the head? He's my new least favorite character on the show, besides the governor. No one likes the Governor, the Governor's a jerk. I had a flicker of sympathy for him when he pulled out his little walker of a daughter and started brushing her hair, but then he pulled out a chunk of her rotting scalp and I was done with him... forever. At the end of season three I felt like he was going on the great American road trip with the two other survivors from his crazy attack on his own people. I loved the looks that they gave each other like, "You get in the cab with him." "No dude, you can totally ride in the truck with him."

I am excited for the new season, the man who plays Glenn described it as "Beautiful" so you know what that means, you WILL get emotionally attached and then the writers WILL kill them/ turn them into walkers/ turn them into traitors and make you hate the show but you know you will watch the rest of the episode and then you will watch the Talking Dead which just makes it even worse to go back to this show week after week. I will go back week after week, but just remember; If Daryl Dies We Riot.

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